​Important Dates
Board Meeting
The first Monday of Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, and Nov at 7:00pm
109 East 52nd Street
Feel free to attend
Annual Meeting
Tuesday, May 3
at 7:00-8:30 pm
Harmon Park Activity Center
Annual Picnic
is ON!
Sunday, September 11
Cul-de-sac of 28th Avenue & 48th Street
Please no potluck items this year
HOA will provide the meal.
Bottled water will be provided.
2021 Annual Meeting Highlights
The board is preparing a “handbook/calendar” for future Board member.
The board negotiated a contract with Peerless Pumps to repair the pump on the east side of the lake.
The revised covenants that were approved at the Annual Meeting will be filed with the County and placed on the Lighthouse Point website.
The board have been informed by the Post Office and City that the cluster boxes (34) at the north entrance to Lighthouse Point will be moved to a side street for safety reasons
The board have been contacted that the lone remaining lot in the subdivision will be installing a sidewalk this fall when the lot will be developed.
The Board will be working with Miller & Associates on the Master Plan from 3 years ago and decide on the next projects discussed at the Annual Meeting. Possibilities include: Gazebo/Picnic Shelter, Playground, Hike Bike Trail, Landscaping, and an irrigation system all located in the “park area”- better known as Lot 4 or the south entrance to Lighthouse.
April 2020 Updates
Because of the pandemic recommendations and City suggestions, the Annual Meeting for the HOA has been moved from May 5 to Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 7:00 P.M., remaining at the Kearney Public Library. SAVE THE DATE. Reminders will occur.
The annual HOA picnic is scheduled as usual for the second Sunday in September-the 13th. SAVE THE DATE. Reminders will occur.
The reseeding along the east side of the lake (Lot 19) was completed.
The Boy Scouts, led by one of own HOA members, Matt Mostek, cleaned the entire shoreline of the lake (Lot 5).
63 grass carp have been added to the lake two weeks ago to enhance the preservation of this great feature of LHP.
The aeration system for the lake has been ordered and will be installed upon arrival.
A committee of the Board is reviewing the covenants and will make recommendations for changes to the Board and followed by approval of the HOA membership at the Annual Meeting.
Our Treasurer has prepared the budget for the next fiscal year (which looks very good), also for Board review and approval by the HOA membership at the Annual Meeting.
2019 Constructions at LHP
A long range master plan was developed by Miller & Associates in late 2017 and early 2018 for Lot #4 (south entry to LHP), Lot #5 (the lake), and Lot #19 (natural area east of the lake). This was integrated with the HOA survey done a couple of years ago. The HOA Board determined to initially focus on infrastructure projects before amenity projects. The four projects discussed at the annual 2018 meeting were the following:
1. Shore stabilization of the east bank (Lots 5 & 19) @ $174K
2. Storm sewer extension AND grading of the northwest corner of the south entry of LHP (Lot 4) @ $110k;
3. A sidewalk along Country Club Lane at the south entrance to LHP (Lot 4).
The estimates from the engineers totaled approximately $303K. We are pleased to report that the bid the Board has recently accepted came in at $250K from Blessing Construction.
This spring and summer you will see the following activities:
1. The stockpiling of the rip rap materials for the lake stabilization will occur immediately to take advantage of the frost in the ground and minimize disturbing the soil in Baldwin Park. The City has given us permission to access the east side of the lake from that park.
2. As soon as the frost is gone, we will see the storm sewer extension, the grading of Lot 4, and the sidewalk in Lot 4 take place.
3. Following that, and based on the long range forecasts for rain, the contractor will lower the lake about 1½ feet and then begin placing the rip rap material along the east side of the lake.
I hope this will add some clarity for everyone in the HOA and for any questions from folks outside of our membership.
Important LHP Events
Monthly Board Meeting
We invite you to join us for our monthly board meeting on the first Monday of each month, at 7:00 pm, in the basement of First Care Medical, PC. If you want to add an item to the meeting agenda please email us one week prior to the meeting at lighthouse68845@gmail.com.We would love to hear from you.
LHP Lake
The lake is owned by the Homeowners Association. The board of directors keeps watch on the lake and the issues that relate to maintenance of a lake.
The board also looks for ways to make the lake available for the homeowner’s in the subdivision.
Annual LHP Meeting
We discussed and presented annual accomplishments, financials, neighborhood improvements, maintenance, and bids.
Holiday Lights
Prior to Christmas holiday, the trees in the medians are decorated with vibrant colorful lights to bring the spirit of Christmas to our community. We invite you to walk or drive around the LHP to enjoy the lights.
This is a time to show case our neighborhood as these vibrant holiday lights bring lots of visitors to our community.
Annual Picnic
This annual picnic gives our community a chance to gather for a remarkable block assembly. The highlights of our block festivities is to meet the LHP folks. We always have some returning families and obviously some new members of our community. The delicious food, wonderful and engaging conversation, inflatables and the remarkable music are just some of the attraction in our annual picnic.
C O M E & J O I N U S F O R A N A M Z I N G T I M E !
Feel free to invite a friend or family members to showcase your neighborhood!
Bring your favorite dish to share with neighbors.